Showing 14 results for Atarodi
Malihe Pishvaei, Abdoreza Adhami, Hamid Pouryousefi, Alireza Atarodi, Zeynab Pishvaei, Pejman Bagheri,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (Autumn 2014)
Abstract: Social confidence is a form of social relationships that means social interaction and action of all people of the society in all political, economic and cultural social different fields. The aim of this study is the sociology survey of students’ social confidence in two teacher training centers (TTC) of Shaheed Sharafat and Bahonar in Tehran and its effective social factors. The study was conducted on two TTC students (573 students) and the samples were 230 students using systematic classification. A researcher made questionnaire was used for collecting the data that its validity and reliability was determined. Different ideas (social capital, social confidence, human relations, behavioral habits, justice, security and so on) have been used in conducting the study and the research main factors have been derived based on them. The results showed that social confidence level on students was on average level and higher and its relationship with some of social factors has been shown by using chi-square and bi-dimensional tables and bar diagram. Frequency tables and diagrams were also used to describe sociology information of the students. A significant relationship was not observed between sex and social confidence variables. The effect of feeling social security and religiosity have been more than the other factors and also feeling of social justice, their social and economic status and trust on social mass medias task has showed a meaningful relationship with the students social confidence level. Keywords: Social confidence, Capital, Security, Justice, Religiosity
Alireza Atarodi, Jahanshir Tavakolizadeh, Ali Alami, . Zohreh Shahghasemi, Vajiheh Armanmehr, Sedigheh Arabi,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (Summer 2015)
Sedigheh Mohammadesmaeil, Alireza Atarodi,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (Autumn 2015)
Introduction: Universities are the centers of interactions and communications and a basic of scientific products and publications in the country. Scientific production and publications are surveyed and evaluated for various reasons. Evaluation criteria with regard to the location, type and circumstances are different and are occasionally changed and new. In this study, we survey the new metrics and metric tools of academic production and publications and faculty members' perspectives in this field. Method: This is a descriptive and a cross-sectional study. The overall objective of this study was "The survey of social media metrics in academic communications and faculty members of Gonabad medical university perspective on these metrics in 2015" The data were collected by a study of library and information sources and using a self-made questionnaire and then were analyzed by SPSS-16 software. Results: The Metrics and criteria for evaluation of scientific publications are in two traditional and new ones, and can also be supplemented or replaced. Most of the faculty members, ie 43 (55.8%) suggested using of both methods together to evaluate scientific publications. There was a significant relationship between knowing the metrics with gender (at 0.001), with the number of articles (at 0.002), and with career record (at 0.000) and the education field (at 0.022). The main hypothesis was approved. Conclusion: Evaluation and metric for any scientific production can enrich it and move towards a more qualitative work and will make the scientific productions more effective. The criteria and metrics would be useful and appropriate with having quantity and quality properties and to be able to evaluate properly, comprehensively, all tangible and intangible properties and create a healthy scientific competition since, the future health and well-being of a society depends on the quantity and quality of science and technology in that society.
Nadjla Hariri, Alireza Atarodi,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (Jan & Feb 2016)
One of the most important issues of human being has been health that depends on many factors. Knowledge and wisdom is one of the factors affecting the physical, psychological, and especially social health of the individual. A wise person in his individual and social behaviors uses the best practices and the less harmful behavior, choice and action. Successful life and social well-being of the individual and society is rooted in wisdom of any individual and all the society. The more the health situation is, the better and more active the people will be socially.
Fahimeh Babalhavaeji, Alireza Atarodi,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (Mar & Apr 2016)
Health and well-being is a significant condition and vital for positive living that should be improved for a better status of life a need of human being that he is seeking
Meisam Dastani, Alireza Atarodi,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (Jul & Aug 2016)
Health is one of the most obvious and important issues preoccupied the human mind, as a concern which still is in force. Maintaining health requires health-related information which is found in the informative resources of the relevant area. Web space is considered as a multi-functional and multi-directional sources of information in which the quantity of presented information is increasing day by day, so that it seems it would be a challenge to accuracy of information in relation to health system since people can publish the content freely without any supervision in weblogs and social networks and cite to outdated articles and commercial, advertising sites which may not be scientifically validated. The number of people around the world using the internet was more than 2.5 billion in 2013 which is expected to reach 4 billion currently. Using health information in this way, even before visiting a doctor, is dramatically increasing, as it has been reported that about 70% of the adults in Europe and 90% in America seek help from health information on the web [1-2].
Alireza Atarodi Beimorghi, Nadjla Hariri, Fahimeh Babalhavaeji,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (Jan & Feb 2017)
Human social life and social health is significant. Wisdom and intellectuality can affect individual and social life of the human and help to form his social life. The aim of this study was to investigate effect of wisdom and intellectuality on a healthy social life. This is a qualitative study with Grounded theory approach. The participants were 59 individuals online on the web who were selected through theoretical sampling in purposeful method. The data were collected by a semi-structured interview through an online interview using Q & A Yahoo! Answers software (yahoo answers). The interviews were analyzed and necessary concepts were extracted from the literature by Straus and Corbin Model. Most of the participants in the study mentioned the sub-categories of social life dimensions such as having knowledge, experience, understanding, and insight (37.73%). Some other concepts were also emphasized such as the use of knowledge with 6.6% and making a right decision at the right time as effective on life with 5.66%. From 88 concepts, 7 sub-categories and 6 main categories were formed. The wise man is humble, teachable, and willing to learn. He is not conceited and arrogant but, he is sage. The wise man brings the knowledge into practice and uses it in the context of his life and society to experience a life with deep understanding through wisdom and intellectuality; this can, in turn, create a life with the sense of satisfaction and form a social healthy life, as well.
Alireza Atarodi Beimorghi, Nadjla Hariri, Fahimeh Babalhavaeji,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (Mar & Apr 2018)
Knowledge is the real and necessary requirement of today's societies, and we benefit from information and knowledge in our lives and promote our health through it. Health is a category that is important in life and several factors can affect its formation, sustainability and promotion. Libraries, and librarians as facilitators of knowledge dissemination, can promote social health through managing and transforming knowledge into wisdom, providing intellectuality, and internalizing knowledge in human and throughout the community. The purpose of this study was to explain the rational use of libraries as the main causes of social health by using a qualitative method and resorting to grounded theory approach. Participants in this study were 22 educated people at least with PhD degree, which were considered to be rich in information on the research subject. The participants were selected by purposeful sampling method. The data were collected using semi-structured interviews while the interviews were ended in saturation phase or in the theoretical adequacy. Data analysis was performed using the Strauss and Corbin method or three stages of open, axial, and selective coding. After analyzing data, 300 initial open codes, about 100 merged codes, 20 sub-sub categories, 9 sub-categories, and 3 main categories were appeared. The main category was “The wisely services of libraries as the predisposing factors of social health." The findings showed that libraries can play an effective role in the formation and promotion of social health using their resources and librarians’ capabilities.
Alireza Atarodi, Ahmadreza Atarodi,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (May & Jun 2019)
Information Technology (IT) is the study of systems especially computers for storing, retrieving, and sending information. It uses any networking and other physical devices, infrastructures to secure and exchange all forms of electronic data. IT is used globally as a major portion of daily life and we use it nearly every day within organizations for many reasons. Our computers, mobile phones and most of other devices we use are IT forms. We depend on them everywhere and every day to do our works more efficiently. We use IT for big data, cloud computing, internet, enterprise software, artificial intelligence, blockchain, cyber security, virtual assistance, augmented reality, 3-D printing and more.
Fatemeh Barati, Alireza Atarodi , Bibi Aghdas Asghari, Ahmadreza Atarodi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (Jul & Agu 2019)
People have some rights to use it for living, patients are people and they should be aware of their rights. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of awareness and observation of patients’ rights and the factors affecting it from the perspective of the patients and nurses among all hospitalized patients and the nurses working at Bohlool hospital in Gonabad city. 100 patients and 100 nurses were selected as the statistical sample. Data were collected using the patients' rights questionnaire of bokai. The priority of the patients’ rights were as the followings: respect to patient privacy and secrecy principle (96% Moderate and Good), receiving desirable health services (92% Moderate and Good), access to an efficient complaints system (90% Moderate and Good), patient’s access to appropriate and adequate information (91% Moderate and Good), and the right to making choice and decision freely for the patients (76% Moderate and Good) in receiving hospital services, respectively. Also, there was a relationship between the level of awareness and observance of patients rights with demographic variables among the nurses. The results of the research showed that the lack of the patients’ awareness from their health and treatment rights and the enforcement lack of patients’ rights charter by the health and medical personnel can endanger health, life and safety of the patients. Therefore, the awareness and observance of these rights seemed necessary.
Alireza Atarodi, Ahmadreza Atarodi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (Jul & Agu 2019)
Societies are mostly using smartphones and the World Wide Web in the era of information technology, (IT). Information technology and its impact is revealed to everyone on modern society. IT enables communication worldwide but reduced face-to-face interaction, reduced physical activity, made headache, fatness, heart disease, diabetes, neck pain, cost, job loss, and so many other health problems. Either way, IT systems that run can yield good and bad results. IT affects the environment, individuals and society as a whole. The way we use IT determines if its impacts are positive to society or negative. For example, we can make the most of our Internet smartphones and web to develop our societies, make them new and modern. Internet-based computers have changed the way people relate and make their living environment better, organize their work, their communities and their time and place faster, easier and
Fatemeh Ghasemi, Alireza Atarodi, Seyed Saeid Hosseini,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (May & Jun 2020)
Background: Late adulthood, as a sensitive life period of humans, requires unique attention. Elderly people are faced with challenging conditions, including death anxiety. This research aimed to investigate the relationship between religious attitudes and death anxiety in the elderly population of Gonabad City, South Khorasan Province, Iran.
Methods: It was a cross-sectional and correlational study. The study sample included 200 adults older than 60 years. The sample is collected from the adult population of Gonabad City using the random sampling method. The obtained data were analyzed with G Power 3.0.10 software. The religious attitudes questionnaire of Khodayarifard et al. was used to evaluate four religiosity dimensions: religious convictions, affections, behaviors, and social pretensions. A high score in each subscale implies greater religiosity tendencies. The Templer questionnaire was also used to assess the anxiety of death. This questionnaire includes the fear of death; the fear of pain and disease; the thoughts of death, passing time, and shortening life; and the fear of the future. The data were analyzed with the Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, and Spearman tests.
Results: The religious attitudes were inversely correlated with death anxiety. This implies that the anxiety has decreased as religious attitudes have increased. This research showed a relationship between death anxiety and the population variables (education level, the source of revenue, etc.) This study also indicated a connection between religious attitudes and population variables (marital status, educational level, the source of revenue, lifestyle, and financial status).
Conclusion: According to the present findings, a better religious approach could improve mental health and decrease death anxiety among elderly people.
Alireza Atarodi, Ahmadreza Atarodi,
Volume 10, Issue 5 (Sep & Oct 2020)
Disasters whether natural or man-made occur from time to time and are accompanied by financial and human casualties. Their harmful effects are sometimes immense mostly on the poor, the illiterate, and marginalized people. This condition may be worsened when the governments have no financial support for the poor to save their lives.
Mitra Salehi, Akbar Solati, Ahmadreza Atarodi, Jafar Hajavi, Hossein Nezami,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (Mar & Apr 2024)
Background: Hydatidosis is a leading zoonotic parasitic disease causing economic losses and public health concerns worldwide. The current study aims to determine the seroepidemiological status of hydatid cysts (HCs) and assess the relationship between risk factors and this disease in high-risk individuals in Gonabd City, Iran.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Gonabad health centers in 2018-2019. Sampling was performed using the census method. A total of 393 serum samples were collected from 259 men and 134 women at risk for HC. A questionnaire was prepared for all participants. Demographic information, such as gender, age, place of residence, education level, participation of children in animal husbandry, the way of washing vegetables, and work experience in animal husbandry were recorded. The levels of immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Results: The infection rate was 9.7% for men and 10% for women, showing no significant correlation between gender and hydatidosis. Among the affected population, the prevalence rate was 10.4% in undergraduates and 16.3% in the age group of 20-30. Additionally, individuals with less than ten years of experience in animal husbandry had a prevalence rate of 11.7%. Those who had contact with dogs had a prevalence rate of 7.9%, while individuals who did not use disinfectants to wash vegetables had a higher rate of 12%.
Conclusion: This study highlights the significant prevalence of HCs in at-risk individuals. This indicates the need for effective preventive measures to reduce the burden of infection. The recommendations include washing vegetables with disinfectants to eliminate any potential sources of contamination. Additionally, obtaining identification certificates for livestock dogs and collecting stray dogs can help control the spread of the disease. It is essential to implement a comprehensive public health strategy to address this issue effectively.