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Showing 1 results for Mirzania

Mahdi Moshki, Mahmoud Panahi-Shahri, Fatemeh Najarpour, Marjan Mirzania,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (May & Jun 2018)

Increasing tendency to drug use is a major social problem, Treatment attempts, regardless of the motivation, are not complete. The study aimed to investigate the relationship between treatment motivation, substance use, craving, withdrawal symptoms and health locus of control in addicted patients. Research population this study included all male and female patients referring to the addiction treatment center. The convenience sampling was used to select the sample and the sample size was determined as 100 participants. Data collection tools consisted of questionnaires demographic characteristics, treatment motivation, craving, withdrawal symptoms and multidimensional Health Locus of Control. There was significant relationship between treatment motivation with craving, withdrawal symptoms and health locus of control and between treatment motivation with variables of sex, education, occupation and type of substance. There was no significant correlation between the components of the health locus of control, craving, withdrawal symptoms with sex, education, marriage and occupation. Regression results showed effective Perceived suitability of the treatment was 0.43 on the craving and Perceived suitability of the treatment and Problem recognition are respectively 0.40 and 0.23, on the Withdrawal Symptoms. Considering the role of treatment motivation in reducing the return to drugs and the more willingness to treat and relapse less in people with internal control of control in future plans to address the problem of addiction and pushing addicts to treatment, the relevant variables have paid particular attention.

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