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Showing 17 results for Abuse

Razieh Etesamipour,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (10-2012)

  Spouse abuse is a manifestation of domestic violence that happens in the privacy and personal environment and in most cases occurs among people who are linked due to intimacy, blood relationship and legality. Violence against women can have many serious consequences such as sexual disorders, suicide, anxiety, low self-esteem and self-efficacy, unwanted pregnancy and serious harm due to the cause of violence (even committing suicide). The main purpose of this study was to compare the spouse abuse, low self-esteem and sexual disorders between urban and rural married women. In this descriptive study, we selected 1270 respondents married women who lived in Jahroom, using random sampling. We used domestic violence, self-esteem, sexual disorders and sexual satisfaction questionnaires.According to the results, the rate of received mental, psychical, and economic violence in rural women was significantly higher than that in urban women and the rate of self-esteem in urban women was significantly higher than that in rural women and there was a significant relationship between the types of spouse abuse and distinctive of self-esteem in women. So, it seems that spouse abuse, as one manifestation of domestic violence, can affect couples' lives from different angles. It can cause bad sexual performance,reduction of self-confidence in women, and consequently disorder in interpersonal relationship.

Mohammad Khajedaluee, Maliheh Dadgar Moghadam,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (11-2013)

Abstract: Although we do not know the exact number of addicted women in our country, but based on some investigations, 9.6% of addicted person are women. Ministry of Health reports show that we have a ratio of one woman per eight addicted men. Our data show that, different factors are playing role at the beginning the drug abuse between women and men. In this study, we investigate the pattern of drug abuse, including different methods and substances, between two groups of addicted women. This case-control study have been done on 160 randomized samples of addicted women in two groups , vulnerable addict women (in prison) and addicted women (without history of being in prison), in Mashhad between 2011 and 2012,respectively.The results showed that the most common methods in vulnerable addicts were inhalation and oral methods, respectively. Of them, up to 6%'s used drugs by injecting method. Considering the substances they used, the most common drug (with regards to multi-addicted groups),were Cristal and methamphetamine, respectively .The less common substance was tablets ,which have been abused in combination with all other drugs in all cases. The most drugs abused simultaneously, were Cristal and methamphetamine together. Also, heroin, cannabis and psychotropic tablets were far more abused in vulnerable group. The results of this study showed that a history of imprisonment was associated with a change in the method of abusing to the intra venous drug abuse. The result showed that Cristal and methamphetamine was the most drug abused in women.
Mahmoud Tavousi, Ali Montazeri, Ali Reza Heidarnia, Ali Asghar Haeri Mehrizi,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2015)

The aim of this study was to design and assess the validity and reliability of the theory of reasoned action extended version questionnaire for drug abuse avoidance in Iranian male adolescents. Validity and reliability of a measure consisting of TRA and self efficacy construct for substance abuse avoidance was assessed by scientific methods. Cross-sectional data was collected via self-administered surveys from adolescents sample (n = 433). A questionnaire was designed based on two guidance for TRA/TPB developing. The instrument was validated using content validity and construct validity (Exploratory & confirmatory factor analysis). The reliability of scale was assess by inter consistency. The reliability coefficients were calculated by two different methods: Cranach alpha and test-retest. Results of exploratory & confirmatory factor analysis showed that extended version of TRA model consisted of 29 questions and 4 components (attitude toward behavior, subjective norms, intention and self efficacy), was a good fitness. Results showed the total test-retest reliability and internal consistency to be 0.72 and 0.85, respectively, too. The validity and reliability of the Persian extended version of TRA scale were suitable for use in future intervention.
Khaled Aslani, Mostafa Dehghani, Reza Khojasteh Mehr,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (1-2016)

The aim of this study was the effectiveness of behavioral couple’s therapy to reduce domestic violence in women substance abusers. The design of this study was experimental with pre-test, pos-ttest and fallow up with control group. The study included all couples that had referred to Cessation clinic for substance abuse in Ahvaz city that among them 20 couples were selected and randomly divided into two groups as experiment and control. Research instrument include Scale of Violence against Women and Structured interview by clinical centers psychiatrist. In order to analyze the resulted data, univariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) analyzing method is used along with SPSS16. The results showed that there was a significant difference in domestic violence between two groups (P<0/001). In addition, these results have been consistent in follow up period (P<0/001). The acquired results revealed that behavioral couple’s therapy was effect in reducing domestic violence.

Parvaneh Taymoori, Haidar Nadrian, Arezoo Fallahi, Bijan Nouri,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (4-2016)


Substance use among teenagers appears to be more a function
of peer approval and peer drug use. This study examined the
relationship between adolescents’ self-derogation and their
responses to Peers’ Approval of Drug Abuse (PADA) among
male secondary school students. In this study, 3000 students
to the 9
grade secondary schools completed a self-report
questionnaire consisting of self-derogation/rejection and peer
drug abuse approval measure. About 86% of students announced,
most of their peers disapproved of the people using drugs, the
higher the grade levels of the respondents, the higher their level
of self-derogation and approval of drug abuse. The relationships
were found between grade level and self-derogation, and also
PADA. Grade of the students and their responses to Approval
of Drug Abuse had statistically significant effects on the sense
of self-derogation among the students. Our findings supported
the higher the level of self-derogation amongst the students by
grade level, the higher the level of their positive response to
PADA. Significant differences were found in the student’s self-
derogation by PADA suggest that and self-derogation and PADA
are two factors that might precede drug dependency among this
sample of male students.
Adolescents, Drug Abuse, Peer Approval, Self-Derogation

Mostafa Dehghani, Khaled Aslani, Reza Khojastehmehr,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (6-2016)

Drug abuse as social problem is phenomenon which degrades ability of society. The aim of this study was to investigate effectiveness of behavioral couple’s therapy to promote marital adjustment in women with addicted spouse. The design of this study was experimental with pre-test, post-test and fallow up with control group. The study included all couples that had referred to clinics of addiction treatment in Ahvaz, Iran, that among them 20 couples were selected and randomly divided into two groups as experimental and control group. Research instruments include revised dyadic adjustment scale and structured diagnostic interview by clinical centers' psychiatrist. The results showed that there was significant difference in marital adjustment between two groups. These results remained significantly stable during follow-up. Behavioral therapy is one of the most effective in improving marital adjustment.

Nadereh Saadati, Hassan Heydari,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (8-2016)

Childhood abuse has direct effect on body image So that the body image affects the some aspects of psychological which has a direct relationship with sexual satisfaction also has effect on sexual satisfaction indirectly The purpose of this research was to study childhood dimensions with self-body image and sexual satisfaction. This research is conducted as correlation-descriptive study. A sample of 200 married people were selected in entertainment places and shopping centers by convenience method and the data were gathered by child abuse self-report scale, multidimensional body and self-relation questionnaire and Larson sexual satisfaction questionnaire. Multiple regression and correlation matrix were used to analyze data. The highest abuse was reported for negligence and the lowest about sexual abuse. According to the research findings there was significant negative relationship between abuse and sexual satisfaction and also appearance investment, physical health investment illness investment, body satisfaction and weight self-categorize. Emotional abuse subscale and negligence can predict sexual satisfaction, physical capability evaluation, body satisfaction, illness investment and self-categorize. The results showed that each dimension abuse can lead to incomplete body image and sexual dissatisfaction in adulthood.

Mehdi Rostami, Nadereh Saadati, Mansour Abdi,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (6-2017)

Child abuse is behavior in which child faces physical, sexual, negligence and emotional abuses. This study’s aimed to investigate relationship between childhood abuse and self-compassion with stress-coping strategies among women. Statistical population included all of married women in Tehran. The sample contains 182 participants who were selected by convenience sampling method entertainment centers, shopping centers, health centers and cultural centers. The data were collected by Mohammad Khani’s self-report questionnaire, Neff's self-compassion scale and coping strategies of Blings and Mous. The findings showed that emotional abuse with mean of 23.54 was the hisgest and physical abuse with mean of 7.87 was the lowest one. Results showed that there is negative relationship between the abuse’s total score and self-compassion’s total score. All physical abuse's subscales, emotional abuse and negligence can predict the self-compassion except sexual abuse. Also none of the abuse subscales can predict the stress-coping methods. The results have shown that the experience of abuse in childhood injury ,can be affected him in adulthood on self-concept and coping responces to stress and problems.

Sayed Aliakbar Refahi, Saeid Mohtasham, Mohammad Reza Raeisoon,
Volume 8, Issue 5 (8-2018)

Addictive substance abuse is one of the most important problems of human societies and one of the major challenges to the social, health and political world. Although the problem is not confined to specific age groups, young people, including university students, are among the main groups at risk. Therefore, this study examined the prevalence of addictive substance abuse among students of Islamic Azad university, Zahedan. This descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted on 1014 students studying at the Islamic Azad University of Zahedan, using the cluster sampling method, in due observance of gender, college, and program level distribution. The data were collected using the high-risk behaviors questionnaire and a demographics form. The greatest frequencies comprised, respectively, of waterpipe smoking (40.04%), cigarette (22%), alcohol (12.06%), and opium (7.5%). Smoking prevalence in male and female students were respectively 56.7% and 26.1%. Cigarette smoking rates among female and male students were of 6.8% and 39.1% prevalences. Alcohol consumption among female and male students had 2.4% and 13.5%. Study results indicate a high prevalence of drug abuse among students was addiction. This demands greater attention to preventive and educational measures and interventions for this vulnerable group of society.

Mohammad Ebrahim Hokm Abadi, Mojtaba Bakhti, Mohsen Nazemi, Saeedeh Sedighi, Elham Mirzadeh Toroghi,
Volume 8, Issue 6 (10-2018)

Substance abuse is a serious global problem that is affected by multiple psychosocial factors, and personality traits play a central role in its occurrence. The present study aims to investigate the relationship between the five factors of personality (extraversion, agreeableness, openness to experience, conscientiousness, and neuroticism) and five categories of drugs (sedatives, opiates, stimulants, hallucinogens, and marijuana) among self-introduced addicts. The statistical population of the study was self-introduced addicts attending addiction treatment centers in Khorram Abad. The participants of the study included 100 addicts with drug abuse disorder who were selected by the classified sampling method underlining five classes of drugs (20 participants in each class) as the sampling strata. Data were gathered using the structured clinical interview of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders, NEO five-factor inventory-revised, and the structured demographic questionnaire. The results showed that high levels of neuroticism distinguish users of sedatives from those of other drugs. participants with high levels of openness to experience and low agreeableness and conscientiousness are consistently associated with the use of marijuana, hallucinogens, and stimulants. The results also demonstrated that addicts with high levels of extraversion and low levels of agreeableness and conscientiousness are consistently associated with the use of stimulants. The results of this research indicate that personality traits contain valuable information about the nature of personality traits affecting drug type in addicts. These findings are useful in drug abuse treatment and preventing drug abuse recurrence.
Hosain Biniyaz, Fatemeh Shahabizadeh,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (2-2019)

Substance abuse disorders are considered to comprise the fourth class of diseases. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of the multidimensional treatment procedure comprising mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, exercises (chess, ping pong), and daily self-monitoring reports. This study conducted on 40 drug abusers who were selected using convenience sampling method. They were next randomly assigned into 4 groups. Group 1 received play therapy and mindfulness; group 2 received mindfulness, play therapy, and self-monitoring reports; group 3 received mindfulness; while group 4 was the control one. Over a period of two months, the participants went through a program that comprised mindfulness treatment, play therapy, along with self-monitoring reports after mindfulness sessions. Each of these groups was affected by different interventions. Craving beliefs questionnaire was used to collect data. Based on The results, the second group experienced the least amount of craving beliefs after treatment when compared to the other groups. This finding reveals the effectiveness of mindfulness intervention combined with exercise and self-monitoring reports. Hence, mindfulness therapy and behavioral interventions (chess and ping pong) along with self-monitoring reports have a positive impact on reducing the intensity of craving beliefs in addicted individuals.

Zahra Saboor, Tayebe Rahimi Pordanjani, Ali Mohammadzadeh Ebrahimi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (6-2019)

The variety and prevalence of substance abuse are growing and its consequences on physical and psychological health, as well as, on global social and economic concerns are heavy. General self-efficacy is a critical factor underlying substance abuse and its successful treatment. The present study was aimed to investigate the effect of hope therapy on general self-efficacy among substance abusers. This study was quasi–experimental with pretest–posttest and control group. The statistical population comprised all of the substance abusers who referred to addiction treatment centers. Convenience sampling method was used to select 40 participants among volunteers. The participants randomly were assigned into the experimental and control groups. The experimental group received eight sessions of two-hour of hope therapy. Both groups responded to general self-efficacy scale before and after the treatment. There was a significant improvement in general self-efficacy of substance abusers after hope therapy sessions. According to research findings, using of hope therapy could have important role in increasing the general self-efficacy of substance abusers and thereby can lead to successful treatment programs and other positive outcomes in the treatment of substance abuse.

Kamran Yazdanbakhsh, Mostafa Akbari, Hosna Vafapoor, Fateme Dehghan, Roghieh Nooripour, Somayeh Mahmoudi,
Volume 9, Issue 7 (11-2019)

Background: Today, one of the most important public health problems in the world is the unpleasant consequence of substance abuse disorders. This study was aimed to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral group therapy on carving and relapse among addicts with HIV in the Kermanshah city.
Methods: The research design was quasi-experimental with the control group and post-test pretest. The statistical population was the addicts with positive HIV in Kermanshah City and 20 people were selected using the J Power sampling method based on the sample size formulation and were divided into experimental group (n=10) and control group (n=10). The experimental group received 10 sessions of cognitive-behavioral group therapy. Pretest and post-test of Wright's Relapse Prevention Scale (RPS) (1991) were used. Data were analyzed by using the covariance method with SPSS-23.
Results: The results showed cognitive-behavioral therapy reduced the desire and risk of recurrence in the experimental group compared to the control group at the level p <0.001.
Conclusion: The results showed the importance of cognitive-behavioral group therapy to reduce craving and relapse addicts with HIV. Therefore, depending on the importance of complementary aspects of drug therapy, psychological therapy may enhance addiction psychological problems.

Jafar Kordzanganeh, Hashem Mohammadian,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (1-2020)

Background: Children belong to the most vulnerable social group. Thus, children’s issues address a substantial part of the security in each community. It was necessary to develop an instrument to screen the children at risk of child abuse.
Methods: This survey was conducted on 200 elementary students of the Ahwaz City, Iran, using a self-report questionnaire. A multi-stage sampling method was used for selecting the samples. The average variances were extracted, and composite reliability along with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was performed by LISREL for Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) approaches.
Results: The ESEM results revealed the 8-factor structure that explained 59.47% of the total variance in the child abuse questionnaire. Findings suggested that scaring children address the most factor load (0.97), and the destruction of self-esteem addresses the lowest factor load (0.37) in child abuse. 
Conclusion: The Persian version of the 8-factor child abuse tool indicated acceptable psychometric properties. The Persian version of the 8-factor child abuse questionnaire should be considered in developing a research agenda for child maltreatment future studies. 

Ali Sadrollahi, Zahra Khalili, Mohadeseh Ghorbani, Mehdi Mahmoodi,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (1-2020)

Background: Elder abuse is a significant public health problem overlooked by communities. The current study investigated various abuse types prevalence and their associated factors among the elderly. 
Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in 2014. Research palpation compromised elderly covered by health hygiene centers in Kashan City, Iran. The study sample included 500 elderly individuals. We applied quota sampling with randomization for sample selection. The quota sampling size differed according to the number and gender of the subjects. Demographic data questionnaire and Heravi-Karimooi Elderly Abuse Questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed by SPSS. Descriptive statistics, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Chi-squared test, and Logistic Regression analysis were used for data analysis. The significance level was set at P<0.05. 
Results: The study participants’ mean±SD age was 72.07±9.03 years. The obtained prevalence rates were as follows: emotional neglect: 29.8%, neglect of care: 35.6%, financial neglect: 37.8%, authority: 41.2%, experienced psychological abuse: 45%, financial abuse: 45.6%, physical abuse: 22.2%, and rejection: 16.6%. There were significant correlations between abuse and age (P=0.001), the number of children (P=0.001), marital status (P=0.01), the living conditions (P=0.001), having diseases (P=0.029), and having the ability to walk (P=0.001). 
Conclusion: The study findings are crucial in developing a national system for protecting the elderly. Furthermore, a continuing education plan is required for enforcing communication between caregivers and elders. 

Tohid Habibzadeh, Touraj Hashemi Nosratabad, Akbar Rezayi,
Volume 14, Issue 5 (8-2024)

Background: Addiction is a behavioral state, in which a person has difficulty controlling her/his will and desires due to mental instabilities or the consumption of certain chemicals, leading to the repetition of certain behaviors. This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of yoga training on psychological well-being, emotion regulation, and sleep quality of prisoners suffering from industrial drug abuse. 
Methods: The current quasi-experimental study used a pre-test and post-test design with a control group. The statistical population included all individuals incarcerated in the prisons of Uremia City, Iran, in 2022, who abused industrial drugs. Thirty individuals were screened in a targeted manner based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were randomly assigned to two groups (experimental group=15, control group=15). One group was designated as the yoga therapy group and the other was designated as the control group. A training package was used for yoga training, and emotional regulation was assessed using the questionnaires developed by Garnefski. Psychological well-being was measured using the questionnaire by Ryff and Keyes, and sleep quality was evaluated using the Pittsburgh sleep quality index by Buysse. Data were analyzed using a multivariate covariance test and SPSS software, version 22 was used for data analysis. 
Results: For the 30 prisoners with drug abuse, the research data were analyzed in the experimental and control groups, with a mean age of 39.23±6.04 and 42.4±7.59 years, respectively. The yoga training had a positive effect on the psychological well-being, emotional regulation, and sleep quality of prisoners suffering from industrial drug abuse (P<0.05). 
Conclusion: Yoga training could increase the mental well-being, emotion regulation, and sleep quality of prisoners suffering from industrial drug abuse.

Phd Alev Ustundag,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (1-2025)

Background: Parents play a vital role in their children's lives in terms of protecting them from sexual abuse. Child sexual abuse (CSA) education improves parents knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. Therefore, this study aimed to assess whether sexual abuse prevention programs for parents affect children’s knowledge about abuse.
Methods: The sample of this quantitative quasi-experimental research consisted of 108 parents and 109 children. Data were collected using the personal security questionnaire and parental perception questionnaire. The parents were asked to complete the parental perception questionnaire (PPQ) and then received the “sexual abuse prevention program”. At the end of the training program, the PPQ was completed again. The personal safety questionnaire (PSQ) was administered to the children before and after the training program without any intervention.
Results: The parents' ages ranged from 28 to 35 years. All parents held a bachelor’s degree and worked in different jobs. In addition, education did not appear to affect the knowledge levels of the children, although it created a significant difference in the parents’ perception (x̄=4.00, P<0.05). 
Conclusion: Education not directly provided to children is ineffective. It is believed that, as primary caregivers, parents who possess accurate information about protection from sexual abuse can develop an awareness of abuse prevention and inform and support their children accordingly.

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