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Showing 3 results for Cost

Kamran Hajinabi, Mahmanzar Selseleh,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (10-2012)

  Nowadays in Iran the majority of health and medical budget is spent on uncontagious diseases, especially in the field of heart disease diagnosis. This research aimed at surveying the relation between insurance funds of medical service and heart inpatients costs in the second half of the year 1388. The research is through applied method and its methodology is descriptive analysis in which nine hospitals have been under survey counting all members of society under study. The data were extracted from patients' files through a checklist and the reliability of checklist was confirmed by specialists of health services management field and the managers of medical service insurance. The data analysis was performed through SPSS software. The findings show that self-employed fund was the most cost mean (44111000 Rials) and fund of other parts was the least (12067000 Rials). In all insurance funds, except funds of other social strata, the most costs were related to hoteling costs. Considering the fact that self-employed fund allocated the most average of heart diseases cost, cultural reengineering by medical services insurance organization and more surveillance insurance organization on side arrangement organization has become the most effective solution for controlling the cost of sanitation and increasing revenue services for insured people. Instruction insured people and society about prevention and remedy diseases at primary phase can decrease the cost of bed ridden.

Hossein Khoshnoud Khankahdani,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (6-2019)

The Activity-Based Costing (ABC) method possesses the capability to identify the costs accurately and provide non-financial information for improving system function and increasing its efficiency. The present study aimed to calculate the final costs of radiology services to determine the final costs deviation from the enacted tariffs. This study was a retrospective cross-sectional analysis of radiology final costs for 19 different types of radiology services (1077 stereotypes) at the hospital in Shiraz, Iran. The required data was collected through reports, specified forms, interviewing with hospital personnel and authorities as well as direct observation of hospital activity centers. The final costs of the radiology services were determined using the activity-based costing method as well as the cost sharing of activity centers through concurrent equations technique. The results showed a great amount of loss for all provided services in this center. The Mean tariff of the services equaled 625,626 Rials while the mean final cost of the provided services equaled 3,036,390 Rials. So, the findings of this study show an average loss of 2,410,764 Rials for each service.

Hossein Ebrahimipour, Zahra Keyvanlo, Hamid Heidarian Miri, Mehdi Yousefi, Mehdi Ariafar, Alireza Rezazadeh, Elahe Pourahmadi,
Volume 11, Issue 6 (11-2021)

Background: This study aims to assess the productivity loss in diabetic patients living in South Khorasan Province, Iran, in 2017.
Methods: This cost of illness and analytical study was performed on 1003 patients with diabetes referred to hospitals and healthcare centers in South Khorasan Province. After being randomly selected, the participants filled the short form health and labor questionnaire by the human capital method to estimate the productivity loss caused by health problems. Data were collected in person or via phone interviews. The collected data were analyzed by data quantile regression model using Stata v. 11.
Results: The Mean±SD productivity loss based on actual and labor law income was 19.61±46.24 and 16.61±49.39 dollars, respectively. In addition, the results showed that the Mean±SD number of lost working days is 0.81±2.39 days. 
According to the regression model, gender, educational levels, marital status, and employment status affected the number of working days lost at 0.25 quantile (P≤0.05).
Conclusion: Improving productivity in diabetic patients and consequently reducing the resulting economic burden is essential to promoting their physical, mental, and social health.

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