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Showing 1 results for Job Stress

Hadi Mohammadpour, Sara Salari Dashtbayaz, Majid Alijan Nodehpashangi,
Volume 8, Issue 6 (10-2018)

Social skills are set of learned abilities which enable individual to interact with the appreciate ability in social context. Assertiveness training skills is one of the most commonly known social skills. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of assertiveness skill training in reducing the stress of staffs at the emergency medical center. This quasi-experimental study was carried out by using pretest and posttest with control group. The statistical population was all employees (44 participants) who working at the emergency medical center that were selected by census method and were divided into experimental group and control group. Then the assertiveness training program was conducted on the experimental group during 10 weeks (one week per session for 1.5 hours) but control group did not receive these trainings and skills. Tools included gambrill–richey assertion inventory and job stress inventory. The findings showed that the assertiveness skill training has an effect on reducing staffs' stress and increasing assertiveness at emergency medical center. Regarding the results, it can be seen that the assertiveness skill training by cognitive method will significantly increase the assertiveness and reduce the stress of the staffs and these skills enable individuals to stand up for their beliefs and rights

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