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Showing 5 results for Sexual Satisfaction

Fereshteh Pourmohseni Koluri,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Sexual functioning is an important part of the marital life. Sexual satisfaction has strong relationship with general marital satisfaction and most of marital problems and divorces cused with sexual dissatisfaction. The objective of this qualitative study was to examination obstacle of sexual satisfaction in couples. This research used qualitative study and content analysis method. 33 married people and psychologists of counseling center of Ardebil through purposely-selected sampling method were selected. Participants interviewed with depth semistructured interviews. Interwiews were taped and analysis of the transcripts was guided by qualitative content analysis. Four main categories of obstacles of sexual satisfaction were found. Lack of sexual education courses, Sexual dysfunction, mental and physical diseases, incorrect religious beliefs and cultural factors categories were emerged. Lack of sexual education courses was an important category in sexual dissatisfaction. Lack of enough information about sexual response process, mental disorder and physical problems, sexual disorder, cultural and religious factor caused sexual dissatisfaction. Sexual skills education with focus to remove of these barriers would increase their sexual satisfaction.
Nadereh Saadati, Hassan Heydari,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (8-2016)

Childhood abuse has direct effect on body image So that the body image affects the some aspects of psychological which has a direct relationship with sexual satisfaction also has effect on sexual satisfaction indirectly The purpose of this research was to study childhood dimensions with self-body image and sexual satisfaction. This research is conducted as correlation-descriptive study. A sample of 200 married people were selected in entertainment places and shopping centers by convenience method and the data were gathered by child abuse self-report scale, multidimensional body and self-relation questionnaire and Larson sexual satisfaction questionnaire. Multiple regression and correlation matrix were used to analyze data. The highest abuse was reported for negligence and the lowest about sexual abuse. According to the research findings there was significant negative relationship between abuse and sexual satisfaction and also appearance investment, physical health investment illness investment, body satisfaction and weight self-categorize. Emotional abuse subscale and negligence can predict sexual satisfaction, physical capability evaluation, body satisfaction, illness investment and self-categorize. The results showed that each dimension abuse can lead to incomplete body image and sexual dissatisfaction in adulthood.

Seyedeh Zahra Masoumi, Farideh Kazemi, Arezoo Shayan, Reyhaneh Ebrahimi, Roya Ahmadinia-Tabesh,
Volume 9, Issue 7 (11-2019)

Background: Infertility is one of the most difficult and debilitating conditions that, besides having unfavorable effects on the life quality of infertile couples, it can lead to many problems. The aim of this study is to explain effective factors for life quality in infertile couples undergoing assisted reproductive techniques in a qualitative manner.
Methods: In this qualitative study which was performed using a conventional content analysis method, 20 infertile couples who were referred to IVF Center, were interviewed in-depth. Sampling was purposive sampling and the interviews were continued until data saturation and the obtained data were analyzed using the constant comparative method.
Results: Five major themes including infertility and emotional relation, relatives and infertile couples, sexual relation and infertility, mental disturbances, and cost of infertility treatment were extracted by analyzing the data.
Conclusion: The findings suggested that infertility is not merely a physical disease that just requires medical and surgical interventions; consequently, its mental and sexual aspects should also be considered and life quality of the involved people needs to be increased using effective interventions.

Neda Roshani, Maryam Gholamzadeh Jofreh, Somaieh Salehi,
Volume 9, Issue 7 (11-2019)

Background: Marital satisfaction is the correspondence between the expectations a person has of marital life and what one might experience in his life.  The present study seeks to compare the marital satisfaction, marital intimacy, sexual satisfaction, and marital adjustment of married persons (various age difference) with age and duration of marriage control.
Methods: It is a causal-comparative design and the research population consists of all married students at Ahwaz Islamic Azad University in 2016 - 2017.  This sample size consists of 276 subjects who were selected by convenience sampling method. A sample size of at least 30 people per group is recommended in a casual comparative study. Data have been collected via questionnaires. The data have been analyzed using SPSS software version 20 and Levene’s Test, MANOVA, MANCOVA tests.
Results: The results show that there is no significant difference between marital satisfaction, marital intimacy, sexual satisfaction, and marital adjustment in married people with various age differences (p˃0/05). Furthermore, the results also show that there is no significant difference between marital satisfaction, marital intimacy, sexual satisfaction, and marital adjustment in married people (various age differences) with age and duration of marriage control (p˃0/05).
Conclusion:  It should not be assumed that any marriage with the age difference is at risk. The common interests and aspirations, high education, and other similar issues will have such an impact on other changes in many cases that will make the marriage very comfortable.

Hajar Askari Novin, Hamidreza Vatankhah, Javad Khalatbari,
Volume 12, Issue 6 (10-2022)

Background: Subjective well-being and life satisfaction can help individuals achieve more success in their lives and enjoy better supportive social relationships and higher levels of physical and mental health. The present study aimed to determine the relationship of social maturity with sexual satisfaction, subjective well-being, and controlling behaviors through the mediating role of marital commitment in couples.
Methods: The statistical population in this correlational cross-sectional study included all couples in Tehran City, Iran, in 2019, of which 370 people were selected as the sample using a multi-stage cluster sampling method. The research tools included Rao’s social maturity scale (RSMS), the Golombok-Rust inventory of sexual satisfaction (GRISS), the subjective well-being scale (SWS), the controlling behaviors scale (CBS), and the dimensions of commitment inventory (DCI). The obtained data were statistically analyzed by employing structural equation modeling (SEM) in SPSS software, version 23 and LISREL version 8.8. 
Results: The results showed a positive relationship between sexual satisfaction and social maturity as well as between subjective well-being and social maturity, both mediated by marital commitment (P<0.001). However, a negative relationship was observed between controlling behaviors and social maturity, mediated by marital commitment (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study, the proposed model had a good fit. Therefore, considering the findings of this study helps researchers and therapists design more appropriate therapies. 

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