Volume 11, Issue 4 (Jul & Aug 2021)                   J Research Health 2021, 11(4): 225-234 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Department of Psychology, Faculty of Sciences, Qaenat Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaenat, Iran.
2- Department of Psychology, Faculty of Sciences, Qaenat Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaenat, Iran. , drtavakolizadehj@gmail.com
Abstract:   (2567 Views)
Background: “Motivation” is an influential factor in the learning process, which its absence can prevent the learner from learning. Motivation affects both new learning and performance, skills, strategies, and pre-learned behaviors. “Educational motivation” is an essential aspect of education and the learning process. Educational motivation is generally referred to as the desires, needs, and factors that cause a person to have hope and resilience in educational environments for the flow of education and obtain the necessary results from it and transactional satisfaction. The purpose of this research was to determine the role of self-efficacy in the relationship between classroom climate and students’ educational motivation.
Methods: This correlational research was done on 250 people selected by a simple multi-stage random sampling method from male and female high school students of Gonabad in 2019-2020. The measurement tools were Sinclair & McInroy Educational Motivation Scale (SIMS), Psychosocial Climate Inventory by Fraser, Giddings, and Mac Ruby (1955), The Morgan-Jinks Student Efficacy Scale (MJSES). Multiple regression was used to analyze the findings.
Results: The results showed a significant relationship between classroom climate and educational motivation without the presence of self-efficacy (r=0.41), while there was no significant relationship between these two variables with the presence of self-efficacy (r=0.186). The findings also indicated that the classroom climate perception was a significant predictor of mediated academic motivation without self-efficiency (P=0.0346).
Conclusion: There was a significant relationship between classroom climate and educational motivation without the presence of self-efficacy and classroom climate perception was not an effective predictor of educational motivation with the presence of self-efficacy. Hence, it is recommended to focus on factors predicting educational motivation in future studies.
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Type of Study: Orginal Article | Subject: ● International Health
Received: 2020/09/8 | Accepted: 2020/10/11 | Published: 2021/08/1

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