Volume 8, Issue 4 (Jul & Aug 2018)                   J Research Health 2018, 8(4): 365-372 | Back to browse issues page

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Khakpour M, Mehrafarid M, Akbari Amarghan H, Nejat H, Fazayeli Yousefabad M, Toroghi R. Effect of spiritual family therapy on marital satisfaction in couples with husbands' drug-dependent. J Research Health 2018; 8 (4) :365-372
URL: http://jrh.gmu.ac.ir/article-1-1184-en.html
1- Department of Psychology, Hakim Nezami Institute of Higher Education, Quchan, Iran , m.khakpour54@gmail.com
2- Department of Psychology & Counseling, Azad University of Quchan Branch, Quchan, Iran
Abstract:   (4646 Views)

Addiction and Problematic drug use, led to the physical, psychological, social and family destruction especially clinically significant or serious discomfort. This study aimed to efficacy of spiritual therapy based on family-centered on marriage satisfaction in couples with husbands' drug-dependent. This design was a quasi-experimental. The population consisted all drug-dependent and their wives in Quchan (prisoners and patients referred to the clinics withdrawal). 40 couples volunteered to participate in this study and were placed randomly in the experimental group (20 couples) and control group (20 couples). Participants reply to afrooz marital satisfaction scale. Couples in experimental group received 10 sessions of 90 minutes spiritual Family therapy and the control group received no intervention. Analysis of covariance showed that the differences between pretest and posttest of marital satisfaction in experimental group and all its sub-tests that increased significantly in the experimental group, while no significant changes in control groups. Also there were significant differences in marital between the experimental group and the control group. So spiritual therapy based on family-centered on marital satisfaction of couples were effective. Spiritual therapy based on family-centered could improve their marital satisfaction Couples with husbands' drug-dependent and effected on increasing of marital satisfaction of couples involved in addiction that shows abnormal patterns of family relationships. The results can be the aimed to family-based treatment and harm reduction interventions at preventing relapse and reduce craving in substance abusers and can be used re-examining it.family-based treatment and harm reduction interventions at preventing relapse and reduce craving in substance abusers and can be used re-examining it.

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Type of Study: Orginal Article | Subject: ● International Health
Received: 2016/01/25 | Accepted: 2018/02/25 | Published: 2018/06/26

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