Rostami Moez M, Hazavehei S M, Moeini B, Karimi Shahanjarini A, Roshanaei G. Effectiveness of educational program based on BASNEF model for using safe contraception methods. J Research Health 2014; 4 (2) :705-713
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Abstract: (9675 Views)
Aims: The most unwanted pregnancy occurs while couples used less effective contraceptive method. The purpose of this study was determine effectiveness of educational program to persuade couples for choosing more and the most effective contraceptive methods based on BASNEF model. Materials and methods: This experimental study carried out on 120 couples using less effective contraception referred to health centers in 2011 and 2012 in Hamadan. 6 health centers with the most unwanted pregnancy randomly divided to intervention and control groups. Then 60 couples as intervention group randomly were selected from 3 health centers and from 3 health centers 60 couples as control group were participated. Pre-test was done by using a questionnaire in both groups and specific education was performed in the intervention group based on BASNEF model. After 6 weeks, post test filled in both groups and the results were analyzed by SPSS 16. Results: The results showed that there were significant mean differences for knowledge, beliefs, attitude, subjective norms, intention and enabling factors. Finally, in interventional group 55.5 percent of couples were using more and the most effective contraception. Conclusion: Educational program based on BASNEF model to persuade couples for using more effective contraception had been effective.
Type of Study:
Orginal Article |
Received: 2012/08/4 | Accepted: 2013/05/21 | Published: 2014/06/21