Volume 9, Issue 7 (Supplement: Community Health. 2019)                   J Research Health 2019, 9(7): 633-638 | Back to browse issues page

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Sarshar Z, Eskafi-Noghani M, Mohammadpour H. Relationship between Psychological Capital and Perfectionism among Female High School Students in the City of Gonabad. J Research Health 2019; 9 (7) :633-638
URL: http://jrh.gmu.ac.ir/article-1-1515-en.html
1- Department of Psycology, School of Psychometrics, Azad Islamic University of Gonabad, Gonabad, Iran.
2- Department of Social Work, School of Sociology, Azad Islamic University of Gonabad, Gonabad, Iran. , meskafi@yahoo.com
3- Department of Education, School of Elementary Education, Farhangian University, Shahid Beheshti Campus, Mashhad, Iran.
Abstract:   (1563 Views)
Background: The current study was aimed to investigate the relationship between psychological capital and perfectionism among the high school students of Gonabad city.
Methods: This research used the correlation method and the data collection tool was questionnaire. The statistical population consisted ofall-female high school students in Gonabad city. The sample size was calculated through Morgan's table and 261 questionnaires were analyzed.  Psychological capital has four aspects: hope, self-efficacy, optimism, and resilience.  Perfectionism has negative and positive dimensions. Its positive dimension includes personal standards and a tendency towards discipline. While its negative dimension has four aspects: individuals’ excessive worry about their mistakes, perception of parents’ expectations, perception of parents’criticsim, and tendency to have doubt and hesitation.
Results: The findings showed that all four aspects of psychological capital affect the negative perfectionism. The type of school was effective on both negative and positive perfectionism; however, the two variables of resilience and optimism did not affect the positive perfectionism. The results also showed that 23% of positive perfectionism changes and about 45% of negative perfectionism changes were justifiable by the mentioned variables.
Conclusion: Since the type of school was found to be an affecting factor on the mean score, specifically for the negative and positive perfectionism, it can be stated that one of the most effective solutions in this regard is implementing the educational activities at schools.
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Type of Study: Orginal Article | Subject: ● International Health
Received: 2017/10/13 | Accepted: 2019/02/4 | Published: 2020/07/18

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