Rahmati A, Zeraat Herfeh F, Hosseini S O. Addicted people’s experiences of the consequences of substance abuse on their lives: a phenomenology study. J Research Health 2019; 9 (2) :112-124
1- Department of Psychology, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran , abr288@gmail.com
2- Department of Psychology, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
3- Department of Psychology, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Hormozgan University, Hormozgan, Iran
Abstract: (4575 Views)
Addiction is one of the biggest predicaments in today’s world which inflicts negative consequences upon individuals and communities. The aim of the present study was to examine the consequences of substance abuse on the life of women and men during recovery. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach using phenomenological method. Forty Participants recovering from addiction (20 women and 20 men) were selected through criterion sampling out of drug addiction treatment centers across the city of Kerman, Iran. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews. Data collection was continued to achieve data saturation. Following data analysis, 149 codes and 16 subthemes were identified. We also finalized two major themes, individual consequences and individual-familial consequences. The findings further highlighted the negative consequences of addiction in men and women populations. Highlighting these consequences can help inform individuals and the society about the hazards of drugs. Furthermore, officials in charge of education and prevention of addiction across the nation can obtain knowledge out of these findings.
Type of Study:
Orginal Article |
● Psychosocial Health Received: 2018/03/4 | Accepted: 2018/05/30 | Published: 2019/02/27