Volume 9, Issue 4 (Jul & Agu 2019)                   J Research Health 2019, 9(4): 282-283 | Back to browse issues page

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Atarodi A, Atarodi A. Information technology VS it’s social concerns of health. J Research Health 2019; 9 (4) :282-283
URL: http://jrh.gmu.ac.ir/article-1-1756-en.html
1- Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Paramedical College and Social Development & Health Promotion Research Center, Gonabad University of Medical Sciences, Gonabad, Iran
2- Student Research Committee, School of Medicine, Gonabad University of Medical Sciences, Gonabad, Iran Email: a.atarodi.b@gmail.com , aratarodi1387@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (2269 Views)
Societies are mostly using smartphones and the World Wide Web in the era of information technology, (IT). Information technology and its impact is revealed to everyone on modern society. IT enables communication worldwide but reduced face-to-face interaction, reduced physical activity, made headache, fatness, heart disease, diabetes, neck pain, cost, job loss, and so many other health problems. Either way, IT systems that run can yield good and bad results. IT affects the environment, individuals and society as a whole. The way we use IT determines if its impacts are positive to society or negative. For example, we can make the most of our Internet smartphones and web to develop our societies, make them new and modern. Internet-based computers have changed the way people relate and make their living environment better, organize their work, their communities and their time and place faster, easier and
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Type of Study: Letter to Editor | Subject: ● Psychosocial Health
Received: 2019/04/8 | Accepted: 2019/05/21 | Published: 2019/06/26

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