Merghati Khoei E, Zarei F, Rimaz S, Bayat A, Shams Alizadeh N. Formation of health-threatening behaviors amongst students: a qualitative study. J Research Health 2015; 5 (3) :265-275
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Abstract: (8813 Views)
Most high risk behavior form in adolescence. Unhealthy behavior such as unhealthy food habits, non physical activity, tobacco and alcohol consumption, and non safe sexual behavior establish in this critical period. Since the formation of the three domains of behavior can be influenced by behavioral, interpersonal, and environmental, exploring high-risk behaviors root among adolescents in socio -cultural infrastructure would be important. A qualitative content analysis has been used. Open semi structured Interviews were conducted until data saturation. These three categories have been emerged: parent communication, peer communication. A high risk behavior as abnormal behavior has interwoven causes. Therefore, peer role in communicative structure regarding to environmental and social institutions such as family and school is beyond of individual factors.
Type of Study:
Orginal Article |
● Psychosocial Health Received: 2012/11/18 | Accepted: 2015/04/8 | Published: 2015/09/14