Volume 4, Issue 4 (Winter 2014)                   J Research Health 2014, 4(4): 955-961 | Back to browse issues page

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Hosseini S H, Bahraminejad Z. The role of social support networks in public health and health service utilization among the elderly. J Research Health 2014; 4 (4) :955-961
URL: http://jrh.gmu.ac.ir/article-1-285-en.html
1- , s.hajar.hoseini@gmail.com
Abstract:   (8245 Views)
Background and Objective:Study the Effect of Supportive-Social Ties Onthe General Health of Elderlise it’s an Introduction to Decrease use of health service in Elderlise by Social Approach's of Iran. Method: this study is descriptive-analytical and cross-sectional survey on the statistical sample of 356Elderlise in1390 with the multistage cluster method and the relative category technique from elderlise of 60 and above60 yeare in Bijar city. Findings: A considerable percent of the elderlise have a usual and worse than usual rate of General Health status(70/5%). All of the findings of the research indicate the affect of the supportive ties on the health and imparting of the health services. There is a direct and p=nificant relation between Social Ties and Social support(p=0/001).The more noticeable relation is the strang ties with social support(p=0/000). The social support has a direct and p=nificant relation with the elderlise General Health(p=0/000) and among them the effective support has the strongest influence on the psychical health(p=0/000).various supportive resources have relation whth the General Health(p=0/000), and emong the supportive resources, the marriage relation and receiving support from the wife has the strongest influence on his General Health(p=0/000).The Social Ties(p=0/040)specially the strong ties dimention(p=0/011)with imparting of the secondary care services, has a reverse and p=nificant relation. Both the social support and General Health have reverse and and p=nificant relation with the Expenditures therapeutic(p=0/000). Conclusion and discussion: Social Ties entrains the social support and social support with upgrading the General Health has negative influence on the elderlise Expenditures therapeutic decrease. Since the family and relative group are the most areas of establishing ties and social support , hence the interferes to improve the elderlise Health and decrease their dependency to the formal cares can be done in these units. The social interferes(with relying on the cultural and religious elements) in order to upgrading the natural ties and establishing the institutes civil for developing the supportive ties in the society are suggested.
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Type of Study: Orginal Article | Subject: ● Psychosocial Health
Received: 2013/02/7 | Accepted: 2013/12/10 | Published: 2014/12/7

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