1- , mo.heydari@yahoo.com
Abstract: (6941 Views)
Background and Aim: Multiple Sclerosis is a progressive degenerative disease that determined by destruction of myelin in the brain and spinal cord. The disease often happens at beginning of Life and the change body esteem and patients' attitudes toward their self. Based on this study was to examine Evaluation of relationship body esteem with self esteem in patients with multiple sclerosis admitted.
Materials and Methods: This research Study was descriptive Correlations and in this study, 395 patients of the MS Society in Tehran were selected by continuous sampling. Data gathering tool were questionnaire of body esteem that was part of Physical Disability Body esteem Questionnaire and questionnaire of self esteem. For data analysis, SPSS version 16 was used.
Results: Results showed that the average and standard deviation of self-esteem of patients was respectively 17/5 ± 53/20. Most patients had moderate self-esteem, and only a small percentage of them (2.16%) had high self esteem. with consideration score of body esteem (3.25) and the overall average score for body esteem (42.25), Patients with multiple sclerosis had a favorable body esteem. The results of the spearman correlation showed that there were between body esteem and self esteem (p<0.001, .
Conclusion: Regarding that opportune at chronic diseases as MS occurs faster with positive body esteem, increase of self esteem this is the responsibility of nursing that with recognizing factors of related increase patient matching and so be effective at their efficacy and self care.
Type of Study:
Orginal Article |
● Psychosocial Health Received: 2013/04/10 | Accepted: 2013/09/1 | Published: 2014/09/15