1- , alaviani@gmu.ac.ir
Abstract: (9106 Views)
According to specified increasing in Aging Population in worldwide special in developing countries in 21 century. Aging and special conditions in elderly and providing phyciatrical and physical health are problems that should pay attention to them. This study is done with purpose of investigation of prevalence of loneliness and it’s Relationship with demographic factors in elderly women in Gonabad city. In this cross - sectional study, 500 elderly women with α≥ 60 years old, which attend to health and cure centers, with category sampling according to selected volume, are selected and necessary data are gathered with demographic and UCLA Questionnaire’s. Then, data were analyzed with 20version of Spss and descriptive statistics, ANOVA and chi-square. The prevalence of moderate and severe loneliness in this study was reported 50/4%, 39/4%. Indeed, there is significant relationship between loneliness and marital status (p=0/043), education (p=0/011) and family status (p=0/037). Results of this study are recommended to attention about loneliness in elderly, diagnosis of and aggravation conditions of factors in this feel and organizations of interventional programs to decrease of it.
Type of Study:
Orginal Article |
● International Health Received: 2013/07/3 | Accepted: 2013/09/28 | Published: 2014/10/29