Dadpour G, Tavakolizadeh J, Panahi Shahri M. The effectiveness of rational-emotional group training on self-esteem and anxiety of gifted boy students. J Research Health 2012; 2 (1) :36-43
Abstract: (19588 Views)
No investigations have been performed about rational-emotional training especially for the gifted students on the prominent cognitive characteristics so far. Consequently, the aim of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of rational- emotional group training on self- esteem and anxiety of gifted male students of Gonabad high schools. The research method is an experimental one accompanied by post-test and pre-test phases with control group. The sample includes 40 students in two groups (experimental and control). They were chosen and sampled by using simple random sampling method from the center for gifted students. Primarily, pre-test was performed for both groups by Coopersmith self-esteem and Spielberger test anxiety inventories. Next, the experimental group underwent rational and emotional training for 12 sessions. At the end of the training, post-test was performed for both groups. The data were analyzed by SPSS-11.5 and the independent T test was performed. The results showed that the differences between the mean scores of self- esteem in proportion to the control group significantly increased (P=0.01). Furthermore, the difference between the mean scores of anxiety in the experimental group in comparison with that of the control group decreased significantly (P=0.04). Given the above-mentioned results, group rational and emotional trainings are recommended for the gifted students especially those who have experienced more anxiety or those having low self-esteem.
Type of Study:
Orginal Article |
Received: 2012/03/28 | Accepted: 2013/05/5 | Published: 2013/05/5