Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2013)                   J Research Health 2013, 3(3): 458-465 | Back to browse issues page

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Asaei E, Sarshar N, Ghahramani M, Mokhtarian Dalue H. Cardiovascular risk factors in people abovetwenty years old in Gonabad, Iran. J Research Health 2013; 3 (3) :458-465
URL: http://jrh.gmu.ac.ir/article-1-90-en.html
3- gonabad medical university
Abstract:   (12585 Views)
Abstract: Background and AIM:Cardio vascular diseases (CVDS) are important cause of morbidity and mortality in world wide and constitutes a major public health problem in Iran . Due to increase of CVD in this contex ,the bjective of this study was to describe the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors amony gonabad urban population. Materials and Methods:In this cross sectional study , a total of 606 subjects males(205) and females (401) were recruited based on random cluster sampling method. The mean age of the subjects was 39.41 12.56 years old . Biochemical test were taken and consist of Blood glucose , total cholesterol , triglyceride, LDL-C and HDL-C and anthropometric and blood pressure measurement were performed.The data were analyse through chi- square, anova and T test using spss software version 13. Results:The present study revealed that the most prevalent cardiovascular risk factors in gonabad were high LDL-C ( 130 ) and tatal cholesterl ( 200 ) . The prevalence of high blood pressure, obesity , and abdominal obesity, were 33.1%,22.4%,17.8% respectively . According to findings, high blood pressure wase more prevalent in females (33.1 ) than males ( 30.6 ). Present survey showed that prevalence of high blood pressure and WHR were significantly higher (p=0.001) in males than in females and low HDL-C level was significantly more prevalent in women.(p= 0.004) Coclusion:The prevalence of risk factor in gonabad exeedingly high.The present study showed high LDL-C and total cholesterol were the most prevalent risk factor found in this region. Continued strengthening program for prevention and intervention on these risk factor are need to reduced the incidence CVD in this region. Key Words : Cardio vascular diseases , risk factor ، gonabad
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Type of Study: Orginal Article |
Received: 2012/05/23 | Accepted: 2013/09/24 | Published: 2013/09/24

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