Sayed Alitabar S H, Habibi M, Sarvestani A, Etesami M S. Reliability, validity, and factor structure of global measure of relationship satisfaction. J Research Health 2018; 8 (6) :499-505
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Abstract: (4884 Views)
Reproduction of scoring and interpretation of conceptual model underlying global measure of relationship satisfaction (GMREL) scale are prerequisites to the use of it in cross-cultural studies. This study was carried out to examine the factor structure and the psychometric properties of the Iranian version of GMREL. The participants of this study consisted of 299 patients (men=128 and women=171) who attended to counseling centers in Tehran. The GMREL, attitudes toward infidelity scale, Kansas marital satisfaction scale, and Enrich sexual satisfaction subscale were used for data collection. Results supported the internal consistency, test re-test reliability, and concurrent validity of GMREL. The confirmatory factor analysis of data supported first-order factor model includes 6 items. Our results confirmed the predicted relationships between GMREL and attitudes toward infidelity, marital satisfaction, and sexual satisfaction and also revealed the construct validity of GMREL translation among Iranian population. This study showed that GMREL has appropriate validity and reliability for Iranian sample and can be used as reliable, valid, and cross-cultural instrument.
Type of Study:
Orginal Article |
Health Protection Received: 2015/01/23 | Accepted: 2015/11/14 | Published: 2018/10/27